Thursday, July 11, 2013

Every person will have hunger to achieve success. Most of the people try very hard to achieve success. Some will get quickly, some will get after so many mistakes, some  will get at gradual pace. One has to do the right things at the right time. It is pure common sense and be aware of what is in front of you every day.

In the beginning of one's career, the common mistakes people make is start aggressively without a plan in mind. The individual try various things that will end up in failures. The individual get dejected quickly and lose focus and start another thing without learning from the past failure. This leads to loss of precious time in one's career. The individual should plan before starting a next venture post failures.

  • Set the high level goal what you want to achieve in the next five years.
  • Split the high level goal in to span of 6 months each [10 half years]
  • Plan what you want to do achieve in each half.
  • Get a checklist on things to learn towards your high level goals.
  • Practice hard on the things that you want to learn every day. Continuity of practice is very important.
  • Evaluate your progress you made every week.  If you do not have clarity on what you do, consult few people with whom you think they are capable of guiding you.  Have an excel sheet ready to monitor your progress every month
  • On every half yearly,  recap what you have learned and try to put in practice in your day to day life.  Beginning of the next half year should give you a clear idea of your path towards your goals.  The individual should be able to improvise the learning methodology and mature as a professional.  
  • It is very important that an individual should review his own progress every half continuously till he achieves his high level goals.  The goals could be achieved even in 2 years.  Once the goal is achieved, extend the goals to the next level and repeat the above process.  This should give that individual a stress free life.
Daily habits

Any individual should discipline himself to achieve success.  Without discipline, no one can be successful.  Whether it is career, job, Investment, Research, etc, discipline and perseverance is the key.   The following points shows how a person should be disciplined.

  1. Be a silent listener in the conversation.  Learn from others experience
  2. Read more magazines that gives you the overview of future especially in Technology and investments
  3. Get up early before sunrise and plan your day.
  4. Get adequate sleep minimum of 7 hours.
  5. Get into the habit of physical exercise which will rejuvenate positive energy to body and mind.
  6. Don't depend on others for what you want to achieve.  As far as possible, be confident of yourself  of achieving your goals.
  7. Be smiling and expand your contacts every month.  Try to learn from the new contacts you meet
  8. Don't be over ambitious and be realistic
  9. Most importantly think what you have done for the day and pat yourself if you have achieved somewhat and don't feel dejected if you have done something stupid.  Make sure you don't carry forward your mistakes to the next day and show gratitude to the people what you are today on finishing your day. 
Being the author of this blog, nothing stops me from sharing that I myself committed costly mistakes in my life and I realized the mistakes and taking a considerable effort not to repeat the same mistakes again proved me good and I am feeling more confident of my path towards success.  The success depends on how the individual shapes himself over a considerable time.

The author of the above blog is Sridhar T A, founder and  CEO of Southern Info Systems, have enough experience of 19+ years in the Information and Technology sector.   Southern Info Systems, provides Software development, IT consulting, Corporate and professional training meeting the demands of the industry,  Infrastructure Managment, etc.  

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